miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Daily Logs - Gremo : The calling in a dream

Daily Log #2

One day before Haohka woke up from his meditation.

The Warchief and leader of the Circle of Tyrants , Gremo, as he usually did ; was  sparring with his friend Hanrot. After a long and exhausting day of training the two parted ways. Only when the sun had set ,Gremo came back to the headquarters. The warrior went on a patrol to calm his uneasy mind , since he never sleeps. That's when Gremo's mind suddenly jumped, he felt something was wrong and thought of going back to the Fortress's entrance. He then thought that it was hismind playing tricks on him and decided to take a really long walk instead. But before leaving he seeked out Mammamba and said :        

         " Take care of the Tyrants while I'm away"

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