jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

What is this Blog??

Hey Tyrants this blog here was created to post helpful information about leveling , understanding your classes and any sort of  important news or help you may need.

Most importantly this was created to share our Story .We've been creating a DnD sort of like story with our characters ever since this Guild was created and each separate story or content is created by the player itself .There's no need of literally knowing the Lore of Warcraft , but if you do it's cool we just do this for fun and to make our characters feel alive and more like ourselves. Feel free to write if you like  what's going on or if you want to join us in creating content for the story or if you want to participate in it. Have fun reading our logs, soon we will be adding more and more content as each character itself has a unique background. Backgrounds which led to each character joining the Guild in the end.

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